ponedjeljak, 12. svibnja 2014.

Lace french + review!

Danas ću vam pokazati jednu slatku i jednostavnu manikuricu a u nastavku ću vam i ukratko recenzirati naljepnice koje sam koristila :)
Today I'll show you a sweet and simple mani and also I will make a small review of stickers that I used :)

Koristila sam / I used:
Misslyn nail stickers Splash (hvala nail crazy! <3)
essence stampy set and nail polish
Bipa tip painter Blue pearl

Mislim da je ovo ispalo prilično slatko, što vi kažete? :)
Uzorak koji sam koristila je predviđen za french a da ublažim prijelaz, dodala sam i prugicu sa nail linerom.
I think this turned out pretty cute, what to you think? :)
The design I used is for french so stamping was easy and to ease the transition, I added a stripe with nail liner.

A sada ću vam reći par riječi o naljepnicama!
Marke su Misslyn i izbor boja je divan, većinom su neonci u pitanju. U pakiranju dolazi 16 naljepnica koje su gelaste i jako lijepo prijanjaju uz nokat. Uklanjaju se sa acetonom.
Now I'm gonna tell you a couple of words about the stickers!
The brand is called Misslyn and there are so many beautiful colors to choose from, mostly neon. You get 16 stickers and they kinda feel like they're made from gel. They stick to your nail really nice and you remove them with nail polish remover.

Jedini problem kod ovih naljepnica je kad ih zaljepite na nokat, nemoguće je ih lijepo odrezati. Tako su meni nokti izgledali kao da imam tip wear a tek sam ih stavila :/ Osim toga, nemam drugih primjedbi a i ovo je rješivo ako jako pažljivo odrežete višak.
The only problem that I had is when you stick them to your nails, it's impossible to cut the excess nicely. My nails looked like I have tip wear and I just put the stickers on them :/ Besides that, I have nothing else to complain about and you can solve that problem if you carefully cut the excess.

Nadam se da vam ovo nije bilo predugo :) Hvala na čitanju!
I hope that this wasn't too long for you :) Thanks for reading!

srijeda, 7. svibnja 2014.

Inspire yourself #6!

Evo jednog jednostavnog postića za laku noć :)
Here's a simple post for good night :)
Enjoy yourselves!

i jedna blesavoća za kraj :D / and some silliness for the end :D

Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!
Shadow. <3

nedjelja, 4. svibnja 2014.

Acid stripes!

Nedavno sam se zaigrala sa striping tape-om i napravila ovu slatku manikuru! Nadam se da će se i vama svidjeti :)
Recently I was playing with striping tape and got carried away so I made this mani! Hope you like it as much as I do :)

Koristila sam / I used:
Catrice ACid/DC
Essence Icy princess
striping tape

Za lijepu limeta boju trebala su mi 2 sloja a nisam oduševljena brzinom sušenja.. Što vi mislite?
For a nice lime color I needed 2 coats and I'm not a fan of drying time.. What do you think?

Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!