ponedjeljak, 26. siječnja 2015.

31 day challenge: Day 20 - Watermarble!

Trenutno je 4 ujutro i nemogu spavat (nisam se ni trudila) pa sam odlučila iskoristiti ova dva sata prije škole za najbolji početak dana - novi post! Ostalo mi je još 11 dana i nadam se da će vam se svidjeti manikure jer su izazovi postaju sve teži.
A sada, manikura :)
Currently it's 4 am and I can't sleep (I wasn't even trying) so I've decided to use wisely these last 2 hours before I have to get up, and the best way to start a new day is with a new post of course! I have 11 more days and I hope you will like my manicures because the challenges are getting really hard
And now, the mani :)

Koristila sam / I used:

Rimmel Sky high
China Glaze White on white
Essie Eternal optimist
L'Oreal  Gold leaf top coat
Maybelline colorama 288
dotting tool
water at room temperature + a cup + toothpicks

Ok, pomalo varam jer sam imala watermarble na samo dva nokta ali hej, to je teško!! :D
Ovaj put sam isprobala malo drugačiju tehniku i moram priznati da sam puno zadovoljnija jer je puno lakša! Svi koraci su jednaki dok ne napravite uzorak u vodi. Umjesto da umočite nokat, ostavite uzorak u vodi 15-20 min i onda ga pažljivo (pomoću pincete) izvadite. Ostat će vam kao velika watermarble naljepnica, potpuno suha, i samo ju odrežite na veličinu vašeg nokta i zaljepite. Voila!
Ok, I'm kinda cheating because I only had watermarble on 2 of my nails but hey, that thing is hard!! :D
This time I tried a bit different technique and I have to say that I'm really liking it, it's much easier! All the steps are the same until you make a design in your cup. Instead of dipping your nails, leave the design in the water for about 15-20 min and then carefully remove it using tweezers. You will be left with a big, completely dry, watermarble nail sticker and the only thing you will have to do is to trim it to the size of your nails and stick it on. Voila!

Jeste li ikad ispobale watermarble? Ako jeste, kakav vam je ispao? Baš sam ljubomorna na one cure koje mogu napraviti candy cane ili cvijetni watermarble :D
Have you ever tried watermarble? If you did, how did it turn out? I'm so jealous on those girls who can make candy cane and flower watermarbles :D

Hvala na čitanju i ugodan dan svima! / Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

nedjelja, 18. siječnja 2015.

What I got for Christmas!

Opet kasnim sa postom, ovaj tjedan je bio jako kaotičan: škola je počela, bio mi je rođendan (za koji sam planirala poseban post ali ništa od toga) i bila sam bolesna.. No, što je, tu je, postić objavljujem tek danas i nadam se da će vam se svidjeti :)
I'm late again with my posts, this week was so eventful: school started, I celebrated my birthday (and I wanted to make a special post but I didn't happen) and I got sick. Well, that's life, I'm sorry I'm posting this so late and I hope you will like it :)

Pokloni od mame: debeli sweater, sat i set naušnica, sve iz Tally Weijla <3
Gifts from my mum: chunky sweater, watch and a set of earrings, all form Tally Weijl <3
Platnena Šta da? torba, napravljena u Rijeci, više informacija na facebook stranici :)
Canvas bag, made in Rijeka, more info here :)
Debele čarape i 2 para papuča savršenih za zimu <3
Fuzzy socks and 2 pairs of slippers perfect for Winter <3
Set Aromasoul gel za tuširanje + hidratantna krema i svijeće iz Ikee
Aromasoul shower gel + body cream set and candles from Ikea
Pokloni od frendica: ogrlica iz H&M-a, tart i hand made sovica za Božićno drvce <3
Gifts from my friends: necklace from H&M, tart and a hand made owl tree decoration <3
Još naušnica, malena kuharica i voljeni Nescafe :)
More earrings, small cookbook and beloved Nescafe :)
Evo par misli o poklonima, svi odreda su predivni i jako sam zahvalna na njima <3
Ova crvena svijeća iz Ikee je od jagode i trenutno mi je najdraža, mislim da nikad nisam finiju svijeću probala! Pink sands tart toplo preporučam, meni miriši predivno i podsjeća me na zvakaće iz djetinjstva :D
Veselim se probati i ovaj set za tuširanje, svi znamo za moju opsesiju gelovima za tuširanje hehe
A što se papuča tiče, to je već posebna priča. Pred 4 godine sam za Božić dobila jedan par papuča od mame i dan kasnije od nane (bake). Par tjedana kasnije sam za rođendan dobila još tri para papuča! Nisam imala pojma što da radim s tolikim papučama pa sam svaki dan nosila druge. Nakon toga je već postala tradicija da ako za Božić dobijem papuče, znam da me očekuje bar još jedan par od nekog :D Ove godine sam dobila ove kao Uggsice iz H&M-a i obožavam ih! Jako su udobne i tople i apsolutno preslatke :)
Za kraj ću još samo spomenuti ovu kratku ali slatku kuharicu iz Konzuma. Odlična je, ima sve jednostavne recepte i dobro objašnjene postupke i toplo ju preporučam (ako ju još uvijek možete pronaći).
Here are a couple of thoughts about gifts, all of them are beautiful and I'm so grateful <3
This red candle from Ikea is strawberry scented and it's my current fave, I don't think I ever tried a better candle! Pink sands tart is also amazing and I highly recommend it, it smells like bubble gum :D
I can't wait to try the shower gel and body cream set, we all know about my shower gel obsession hehe
As for slippers, that's a special story. 4 years ago I got a pair of slippers from my mum and the day after from my grandma as Christmas gifts. A few weeks later for my birthday I got 3 other pairs! I had no idea what to do with all these slippers so I wore a different pair every day. After that it became a tradition, if get a pair of slippers for Christmas, I will get at least another pair from somebody :D This year I got these Ugg look-a-likes from H&M and I love them! They are so warm and cozy and absolutely adorable :)
Lastly, I'm just going to mention this short but sweet cookbook from Konzum. It's great, it has really simple and well explained recipes and I highly recommend it (if you can still find it).

Što ste vi dobili za Božić? Volite li više davati ili primati poklone? :)
What did you get for Christmas? Do you like to give or get presents? :)

To bi bilo sve za danas, čitamo se! / That would be all for today, see ya!

subota, 10. siječnja 2015.

Wishes and hopes for 2015.!

Znam da malo kasnim sa ovim postom, ali tek sada sam onako pošteno sjela i razmislila što želim u novoj godini i odlučila to podijeliti s vama! Da ne duljim puno sa uvodom, ja ću krenuti sa odlukama a vama predlažem da se udobno smjestite, utoplite i možda uzmete čaj ili kekse dok čitate (ja trenutno uživam u chocolate chip keksićima ali to ću vjerojatno požaliti za par dana kada ću trebati staviti korektor preko prištića i izaći ponosno van, a umjesto toga ću imati živčani slom i još jedno obećanje, pazit ću šta jedem!).
I know I'm a little bit late with this post, but not until today I've sat down and really thought what do I want from this new year and decided to share it with you! I don't want to talk too much in the intro, as I will in the rest of the post, so you just make yourself cozy and warm and grab a cup of tea or cookies while you are reading this (I'm currently munching my fave, chocolate chip cookies but I will probably regret it in a couple of days, when I will have to cover my acne and walk out proudly, and instead I will have a nervous break down and promise myself again, I will eat healthier!).

1. Biti pozitivnija! / Be more positive!

U zadnje vrijeme se stvarno trudim misliti pozitivnije, gledati na sve sa jednim pozitivnim stavom ali se i dalje znam uhvatiti u totalno crnim mislima. Bitno je znati se oduprijeti takvim mislima! Neki dan sam isprintala nekoliko lijepih citata i zaljepila ih u moj feel good kutak i svako jutro ih pročitam i razmislim kako ih mogu u današnjem danu iskoristiti. Kad imam neki krizni moment, pokušavam se sjetiti barem jednog od njih i okrenuti misli u ljepšem smjeru. Teško je, ali mi uspijeva i nadam se da ću nastaviti tim smjerom! Zapravo, planiram napisati jedan post na tu temu, sa inspirativnim citatima i nekoliko bitnih stvari koje su meni pomogle u razmišljanju, nadam se da ste zainteresirane :)
Lately, I have been trying to think more positive, to look at everything with a positive attitude, but I still catch myself drowning in very dark thoughts. Whats's important is that you have to know how to block these kind of thoughts! The other day I printed out a couple of inspiring quotes and put them in my feel good corner and every morning I stop, read them and think how can I use them in that day. Whenever I'm having a bad moment I try to remember at least one of them and turn my thoughts into something better. It's hard, but it's working for me and I hope I will continue in that direction! In fact, i'm planing to write a post about it, with inspiring quotes and a few important things that helped me in thinking, I hope you are interested :)

                           I have this saying on a t-shirt, and my bf thought it was a rude statement to onlookers not to check me out - I disagree! Its a beautiful inspirational message : )

2. Putovati! / Travel more!

Ja rijetko putujem. Skoro nikad. Ali jako često gledam slike divnih gradova i razmišljam kako bi bilo divno ih posjetiti. E pa ove godine ću to i napraviti! Dobro, neću ići u NYC ili London (možda i hoću, 'ko zna di me život odvede) ali želila bih posjetiti neka mjesta koja su tu, blizu. Zasada imam 3 kratka putovanja sa školom u Italiju, a najviše se veselim onom za Uskršnje praznike - idemo na 4 dana u Toscanu!! Jedva čekam, već se vidim kod Kosog tornja u Pisi i u slatkim uličicama Firenze :)
I rarely travel. Almost never. But I do look at pictures of beautiful cities and wonder how would it be to visit them very often. Well this year I will do it! Okay, I won't go to NYC or London (maybe I will, who knows where life will bring me) but I would like to visit some places that are closer to me. For now I have 3 short school trips planed, and I'm mostly looking forward for the one in Spring break - we are going on a 4 day trip to Tuscany!! I can't wait, I can already picture myself near the Leaning Tower of Pisa  and in cute little streets of Florence :)

3. Više se truditi oko škole i drugih stvari! / Try harder in school and other things!

Mislim da će ovo biti najteže! Iz 2 razloga: prvi je moj stav prema školi a drugi činjenica da vrlo lako odustajem.. U svakom slučaju, morat ću se stvarno jako potruditi, posebno oko škole jer želim ove godine imati dovoljno dobre ocjene za stipendiju, koja bi mi svakako dobro došla. Želim se i više truditi oko bloga, ispunjivanja obaveza i vježbanja jer od njih najlakše odustanem!
I think this is going to be the hardest one! Because of 2 reasons: first one is my attitude towards the school and the second one is the fact that I quit everything easily.. Anyway, I will have to try very hard, especially school wise because this year I want grades good enough to get scholarship, which would come in really handy. I also want to try harder around blog, doing my chores and working out, it seems that I mostly give up on them!

4. Biti odgovornija s novcem! / Be more responsible with money!

Ovo ide ruku pod ruku s odlukom br.3. Ako uspijem dobiti stipendiju, morat ću paziti na šta je trošim. Naravno, najrađe bih odjurila pravac H&M-a i kupila sve što poželim ali ima boljih stvari od robe! Sav novac ide u štednju za putovanja ili novi mobitel, jer imam osjećaj da ovaj još neće dugo (a čak više ni nemam onaj jadni Xperia Miro), i definitivno ću paziti da ga u naletu ludila ne potrošim na lakove ili nakit!
This goes right along with decision number 3. If I get the scholarship, I will have to be careful on what am I spending it. Of course, I would love to run of to H&M and buy everything that my heart desires but there are better things than clothes! All the money goes to my savings for traveling or for a new cell phone, cause I have that feeling that this one won't last for long (and I don't even have my poor Xperia Miro anymore), and I will definitely be careful that I don't spend it on nail polish or jewerly in my crazy moments!

5. Brinuti se više o svom zdravlju! / Care more about my health!

Ovoga se stvarno moram ozbiljno prihvatiti jer je ipak zdravlje na prvom mjestu! Neke od bitnijih stvari koje moram češće raditi: piti više vode (danas sam popila 5 boca, bravo ja! :)), više se kretati, prestati ići spavati poslije ponoći i jesti raznolikije i zdravije.
I really need to take this one seriously because health comes first! Some of the most important thing I have to do more often: drink more water (I had 5 bottles of water today, yaayyy! :)), move more, stop going to bed after midnight and eat more versatile and heathier.

                                         Recreation Therapy Ideas: January 2013

6. Više pokazivati osjećaje! / Be more open about my feelings!

Kao prilično zatvorena osoba, često se osjećam čudno, želim nekom nešto objasniti a nemogu pronaći prave riječi, mislim da me nitko ne razumije a sve što trebam je s nekim otvoreno popričati. Zato sam odlučila poraditi na ovome! Čak sada i kad pišem o tome, neznam što da kažem haha
Pokušavam reći da, iako sam već nekoliko puta počinila pogrešku i rekla nekom nešto zbog čega sam kasnije ispaštala, trenutno imam prijatelje o kakvima sam prije mogla samo sanjati i nema razloga da pred njima ne budem potpuno otvorena, i ako mi fale - reći im to, ako su tužni - zagrliti ih, ako se nešto loše dogodi - reći im to i pitati za savjet.
As an introvert, I often feel weird, I want to explain something but I can't find the right words, I think no one understands me and all I need to do is talk to someone. That's why I decided to work on this! Even now when I'm writing about it, I don't know what to say haha
I'm trying to say that, even though I already made a mistake of saying something that I regretted later, right now I have friends I could only dream about before and there is no reason for me not to be completely open around them and if I miss them - say it to them, if they're sad - hug them, if something bad happens - talk to them and ask for advice.

7. Opustiti se i probati nove stvari! / Relax and try new things!

Pod nove stvari mislim na bilošto da razbijem svoju rutinu, bila to hrana, mjesto izlaska ili neki društveni događaj poput koncerta. Pa šta ako ne slušam taj bend, ići ću svejedno na koncert, čisto radi zabave, a i nikad dosad nisam čula nekog da je rekao kako mu je bilo loše na nekom koncertu! Moja čudna tjeskoba ili strah me sputavaju u mnogim stvarima i zbog toga sam jako napeta osoba. Ako mi netko kaže da se opustim, pogledat ću ga zaprepaštenim pogledom i postaviti brdo pitanja u stilu: kako da se opustim, šta ako se nešto dogodi, misliš da će biti jako težak test, hoće li vrijeme sljedeći tjedan biti jednako oblačno... Tek navečer, kada legnem u krevet, se natjeram da duboko izdahnem i tek onda primjetim koliko visoko su mi bila ramena, vrat već opasno iskrivljen od stalne napetosti i kažem si da moram češće izdahnuti i jednostavno se opustiti.
Under new things I mean anything out of my comfort zone, whether it's food, a place to go out or some social thing like a concert. So what if I don't listen to that band, I'll go anyway, for fun only plus, I have never heard anyone saying 'I had such a bad time at that concert'! My weird anxiety or fear are bothering me so much and that makes me a really uptight person. If someone tells me to relax, I'll give him a weird look and ask a bunch of questions like: how can you tell me to relax, what if something happens, do you think that our test will be really hard, is it going to rain next week... Only at night, when I finally lay down in my bed and make myself take a deep breath, I notice how high were my shoulders, making my neck hurt so much because of constant worrying and I tell myself I should do this more, I should relax more.

8. Poboljšati odnos prema blogu! / Improve at blogging!

Kao što ste i sami mogli primjetiti (ako ima ikoga tko još čita ovaj blog haha), u 2014. sam sramotno malo pisala na blogu iako što sam redovito mjenjala manikure, kupovala nove stvari i slikala random stabla :) Nisam se zasitila, nego jednostavno nisam osjećala onu volju zadnjih par mjeseci i, dobro, uljenila sam se. Dobra vijest je što se volja vratila, a s njom je došla inspiracija za puno novih postova i jedna vrlo bitna stvar, novi fotić!!!! Kvragu, nisam vam to htjela otkriti sve do haul posta ali evo, izletilo mi ;) Tako daa, želim ovaj mjesec napokon završiti sa challengem (koji se opet grozno otegnuo :( ) a prije nego što objavim ovih nekoliko preostalih manikura ću objaviti dva posta koji su već trebali biti odavno objavljeni: Što sam dobila za Božić (za Božić?! To je bilo pred, onooo, 5 mjeseci!) i Fall/Winter haul (nemojte me mrziti zbog količine robe koju sam uspjela skupiti u 3 mjeseca)! Nakon toga vraćam se uobičajenim temama + nekoliko novih rubrika za koje se nadam da će vam se svidjeti :)
As you may have noticed (if anybody here still reads this blog haha), in 2014. I had embarrassing small amount of posts published even though I regularly did my nails, bought new things and took pictures of random trees :) I didn't get bored, I just wasn't feeling that good for the last few months and, okay, I got lazy. Good news is that I'm finally ready to start blogging regularly again and I have a bunch of new ideas for many posts aaand one more important thing, I got a new camera!!!! Dammit, I didn't want to spoil it for you until my haul post but yeah, it slipped ;) So, this month I want to finally finish the challenge (which I'm doing for a really long period of time, again :( ) and before I publish these few manicures, I'll publish two posts I should have published a long time ago: What I got for Christmas (for Christmas?! It was like 5 months ago!) and Fall/Winter haul (don't hate me because of how many clothes I have bought in only 3 months)! After that I'm back to my usual themes + I have a couple of new series that I'm hoping you'll enjoy :)

                                 That coffee in the morning after working all night on that damn thing that you can't even give it up so you can just go to bed and rest a little bit  :\

9. Poboljšati se u nail artu i ostalim hobijima! / Improve at nail art and other hobbies!

Ovo je isto važna odluka, pogotovo zato što bih se voljela baviti i kad odrastem nekim od tih hobija. S obzirom da je ovaj blog prvenstveno o noktima, želim se više potruditi u samim manikurama, u slikama i prezentaciji na blogu a i u dijeljenju putem društvenih mreža (radim novi Instagram!!). Valjda će sada sa novim fotićem i nekakvim iskustvom u slikanju, slike i bolje izgledati :)
Također, jedna velika želja mi je objavljivati slike mojih outfita! Nažalost, nemam nikog 'ko bi me mogao slikati a pred ogledalom je loše osvjetljenje pa će ovo zasada ostati samo želja ali ako imate neku ideju, slobodno ju podijelite u komentarima :)
This is also one one of the important decisions, especially because I would like to do one of my hobbies as a job when I grow up. Considering this blog is mostly about nail art, I want to try harder in making manicures, taking pictures and presenting them on blog as well as sharing my posts on social networks (I'm making a new Instagram!!). I guess now, when I have a new camera and some sort of an experience in photography, my pictures will turn out better :)
Also, one of my biggest wishes is to share my outfits with you, but I'm afraid that this will just be a wish and nothing more because I don't have anyone to take pictures of me and the lighting in front of the mirror is poor, maybe if you guys have any ideas, please share them in comments :)

10. Vježbati više! / Workout more!

Nemojte da vas ovo 'više' u naslovu zbuni, ja rijetko kad vježbam. Jedno vrijeme sam si u glavu utuvila da idem trčat svaki dan. To je trajalo 4 dana i onda nisam 2 tjedna mrdnula prstom van iz kuće. Zato sam ovaj put odlučila ići van na šetnje a svaki pokušaj vježbanja pustiti za doma. Trenutno radim samo osnove: 30 čučnjeva (za guzu) i 30 trbušnjaka (za trbušne mišiće) najmanje triput tjedno. Nadam se da ću ovaj put biti ustrajnija jer mi vježbanje može donjeti samo dobro :)
Don't take 'more' in the tittle seriously, I rarely exercise. One time I thought I can run everyday. It lasted for 4 days and then I took a 2 week break. So, this time I've decided to go for walks and leave the exercise for the indoors. Currently, I'm doing only simple exercises: 30 squats (for bum) and 30 sit ups (for dem abs) at least 3 times a week. I hope I will be more persistent this time because workout can only bring good things :)

11. Preurediti stan! / Redecorate my apartment!

I s vama podijeliti proces! To bi zaista voljela ali trenutno neznam niti hoće li to biti ove godine. U svakom slučaju, ako preuredim i najmanji kutak, bit ćete obaviješteni ;)
And share the proces with you! I would really love to this but right now I'm not even sure if this will happen in 2015. In any case, if I do redecorate even the smallest corner, you will be informed ;)

                        House of Turquoise: Dream Home Tour - Day One Amazing room with tons of light!

I to je sve ljudi moji! Nadam se da ste stigli do kraja posta, ako jeste :*
And that's all folks! I hope you got to the end of the post, if you did :*

Imate li kakve želje za 2015.? Jesu li male ili velike? Čemu se najviše nadate u 2015.?
Do you have any wishes for 2015.? Are they big or small? What do you wish most in 2015.?

Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!

*all the pictures are from Pinterest