Danas vam donosim recenziju jednog ruža zbog kojeg sam počela stavljati naglasak na usta, a ne na oči.
Ako ste imali ikakve dvojbe oko kupnje, nestat će jer mislim da će vam se nakon ovog posta wishlista popuniti :D
Today I'm bringing you a review of a lip stick that I fell in love with.
If you had any doubt in buying this product, it will be gone and I think that your wishlist is going to get bigger after reading this post :D
Today I'm bringing you a review of a lip stick that I fell in love with.
If you had any doubt in buying this product, it will be gone and I think that your wishlist is going to get bigger after reading this post :D
Prvo ćemo malo o pakiranju.
Ruž je u crnoj mat plastici koja se neće razbiti pri padu (testirano! :D). U sredini je vidljiva boja ruža kao i na dnu gdje piše nijansa a na vrhu i na samom ružu je otisnuto 'e'. Djeluju vrlo eleganto i skupo a cijena je 21,90 kn / 2.9 eu.
Let's talk about packing.
Lipstick is in black mat plastic that is not easy to break (tested! :D). In the middle you can see the color of the lipstick as well as on the bottom where the name is written. On the top and in the lipstick is printed letter 'e'. They look elegant and expensive and the price is 21,90kn / 2.9 eu.
Let's talk about packing.
Lipstick is in black mat plastic that is not easy to break (tested! :D). In the middle you can see the color of the lipstick as well as on the bottom where the name is written. On the top and in the lipstick is printed letter 'e'. They look elegant and expensive and the price is 21,90kn / 2.9 eu.
Boju bih opisala kao mat tamno rozu hladnog podtona koja u sjeni baca na ljubičastu. Iako se čini tamna, boja na usnama djeluje svjetlije, samim time i toplije. Miris je klasičan, umjetan ali ne prejak. Tekstura je kremasta i lako se nanose.
I would describe the color as mat dark pink with cold undertone that in shade looks purple. Even though it looks dark, on lips this color looks warmer and lighter. Smell is classical, artificial but not too strong. The texture is creamy and it's easy to apply.
I would describe the color as mat dark pink with cold undertone that in shade looks purple. Even though it looks dark, on lips this color looks warmer and lighter. Smell is classical, artificial but not too strong. The texture is creamy and it's easy to apply.
Dugotrajnost bi bila vrlo dobra da neki od nas ne posegnu za hranom ili pićem što, nažalost, ruž neće preživjeti. Nakon par sati nošenja, boja lagano izblijedi. Ono što mi se jako sviđa kod ovog ruža je mogućnost kombiniranja sa drugim bojama. Kao što vidite na slici, nakon prvog sloja, boja više nalikuje pigmentiranom sjajilu što je meni ponekad dovoljno sa preko toga još samo stavim bezbojno sjajilo i izgleda super! Svakako bih preporučila da stavite nekakav labello ispod ruža jer lagano isušuje usne.
Evo i slika kako izgleda na mojim usnama na suncu i u sjeni:
Durability would be very good only if you don't eat or drink anything, then this lipstick won't last long. After a few hours of wearing, color slowly fades. The thing I really like about this lipstick is a possibility of mixing it with other colors. As you can see in the picture, after first coat, color looks like a very pigmented lip gloss so you can wear it like that. I would definitely recommend wearing a lip balm underneath this lipstick because it kinda dries your lips.
Here are the pics how it looks on my lips in the sun and shade:
Durability would be very good only if you don't eat or drink anything, then this lipstick won't last long. After a few hours of wearing, color slowly fades. The thing I really like about this lipstick is a possibility of mixing it with other colors. As you can see in the picture, after first coat, color looks like a very pigmented lip gloss so you can wear it like that. I would definitely recommend wearing a lip balm underneath this lipstick because it kinda dries your lips.
Here are the pics how it looks on my lips in the sun and shade:
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ispričavam se za dvije vlasi koje su se priljepile za ruž...očito se i njima sviđa :) / I'm sorry for my hair sticking onto the lipstick...I guess my hair likes it too :) |
Konačna presuda bi bila: odličan proizvod, pogotovo za tako malu cijenu i mislim da ću kupiti i koraljni i nude tek tako...jer sam hoarder :D
Final conclusion would be: great product aspecially for that low price and I think I'll buy a coral and nude o
ne too..just because I'm a hoarder :D
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Prije nego što završim ovaj post, htjela bih vam reći da zavirite na ovaj blog i date neku kreativnu ideju za naziv bloga :)
Before I finish this post, I would like to tell you to check out this blog and give her some creative ideas for blog name :)
Final conclusion would be: great product aspecially for that low price and I think I'll buy a coral and nude o
ne too..just because I'm a hoarder :D
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Prije nego što završim ovaj post, htjela bih vam reći da zavirite na ovaj blog i date neku kreativnu ideju za naziv bloga :)
Before I finish this post, I would like to tell you to check out this blog and give her some creative ideas for blog name :)
Hvala svima na čitanju! / Thank you everyone for reading!
Shadow <3.
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