srijeda, 31. prosinca 2014.

Top 10 in 2014.!

Danas, u posljednjem danu ove godine, odlučila sam podijeliti s vama meni najomiljenije postove koje sam natipkala u ovih godinu dana. Da ne pričam previše, krenimo sa pregledom! :)
Today, in the last day of this year, I've decided to share my favorite posts that I wrote in this past year with you. I don't want to talk to much, so let's get started! :)

Prva grupa su manikure / First group of posts are manicures:

Tribal nails

Kiwi nails

Acid stripes nails

Colorful leopard print nails

Summery Hawaiian nails

Lace french nails + review

Druga grupa su haulovi i DIY postovi / Second group are hauls and DIYs:

Dani ljepote haul

DIY: ring storage solution

I posljednja grupa su tagovi i random postovi / And the last group are tags and random posts:

Sunkissed Summer tag

Inspire yourself #3

Ove godine sam zapocela i nekoliko novih serija postova poput Inspire yourself, u kojoj dijelim neke inspirativne slike s Tumblra s vama, 4th of July posts, u kojima sam napravila nekoliko manikura, make up look i nekoliko outfit ideja, te sam ovu jesen zapocela sa 31 day nail challengem koji je jos uvijek u tijeku (zahvaljujuci skoli i mojoj iznimnoj ljenosti...).
Ovdje ću stati, idem se spremati za večeras :)
This year I've started a few new series such as Inspire yourself, where I share inspirative Tumblr pics with you guys, 4th of July posts, where I did a couple of manicures, a make up look and some outfit ideas, and I also started with the 31 day nail challenge this Fall and I' m still doing it (thanks to school and my extreme lazyness...).
I'll stop writing now, I have to get ready for tonight :)

A sada, još ću vam samo poželjeti divan i siguran doček i sve najljepše u novoj 2015.!!
And now, I just want to wish you all a wonderful and safe New years eve and all the best in new 2015.!!
Irena <3

petak, 26. prosinca 2014.

Merry Christmas and a big apology!

Hey blog!
Kao prvo, želim svima sretan Božić i sve najbolje za blagdane! Provedite ih u miru, s voljenima, nauživajte se i najedite :)
Firstly, I wish you all a merry Christmas and all the best for the holidays! You may spend them in peace, with your loved ones, enjoying and eating :)


Kao drugo, objašnjenje za moj dugi nestanak..
Ovo je bila jedna duga i neočekivana pauza..
Trenutačno prolazim kroz svašta i u svemu tome blog je ostao zapostavljen. Jako mi je žao, najgore mi je kada se ovako nešto dogodi ali nisam htjela napisati tek tako, neki kratki bezvezni post samo da popunim blog, nego sam htjela pričekati malo i napisati neki kvalitetni i inspirativni post. Ovaj blog sam počela pisati sa 12 godina i nisam ni u ludilu razmišljala da ću 3 godine kasnije i dalje biti sva u tome a kamoli da ću imati osobe koje svraćaju ovdje i čitaju moje smotane postiće. Kroz ovih par godina bloganje je postalo velik dio moga života i želim se nastaviti time baviti. Nemogu obećati svakodnevne postove, nemogu obećati ni one svaki drugi dan ali mogu obećati da ću dati sve od sebe da proguram još ovih par zadataka iz challenga i da onda počinjem sa uobičajenim postovima, o nekoliko tema koje me zanimaju a nadam se i vas! Zato, još jednom, ispričavam se zbog ne redovitog postanja i hvala vam svima koji ste još uvijek tu uz mene <3
Secondly, an explanation for my long disappearance..
This was a long and unexpected break..
Right now I'm going through a lot and in all that mess I left my blog behind. I'm so sorry, it's the worst when something like this happens but I didn't wanted to write a little, stupid post just to fill the blog, I wanted to wait a little and write a quality and inspiring post. I started writing this blog when I was 12 and never, in my craziest thoughts, I have ever thought that 3 years later I will still be all crazy about it, let alone that somebody will actually visit my blog and read my silly posts. Through these few years blogging became a big part of my life and I want to continue doing it. I can't promise that I'll post everyday, I can't promise I'll post every other day but I can promise that I'll try my best to finish this challenge and then I'm starting with my usual posts, about a couple of things that I'm interested in, hopefully, you are too! So, once again, I'm sorry for non regular posting and thank you all that are still here with me <3


A sada ću vam samo još pokazati moju Božićnu manikuru, inspiriranu lampicama za bor!
And now I'll just show you my Christmas mani, inspired by Christmas lights!

Koristila sam / I used:
O.P.I Dulce de leche
China Glaze Liquid leather
thin brush
e-bay rhinestones

Evo, to bi bilo to za večeras!
Laku noć, Irena :)
Well, that would be all for tonight!
Good night, Irena :)