utorak, 1. srpnja 2014.

4th of July inspired nails #1!

Danas sam pripremila jednu fora manikuru u duhu nadolazećeg 4th of July-a a u planu su još dvije i nekoliko outfita ;)  Totalno sam se uvukla u tu američku spiku, čak sam u Lidlu nakupovala masu hrane jer imaju tjedan američke hrane hehe. Prije nego što krenemo na manikuru, još jedna mala obavijest: jučer sam skinula longetu i stavila gips i ako sve dobro prođe, za dva tjedna sam slobodna i zdrava! Jedva čekam!! :D
Today I have a cute mani for you in spirit of 4th of July and I have two more manis in plan and also a couple of outfits ;) I totally got into that american game, I even went to Lidl and bought huge amount of food just because they have american food week hehe. Before we continue with my mani I wanted to tell you some news about my foot: yesterday I got a cast boot and in two weeks I'm free and healthy! I can't wait!! :D

Koristila sam / I used:
essence My and my lover
essence Chuck
China Glaze White on white
striping tape + caviar + stars


Za ovu manikuru sam odabrala textured tematiku pa sam koristila caviar i sand effect lak. Iako, sand effect lak i nije baš najbolji izbor za kombinaciju sa striping tapeom jer se suše gumasto (shvaća li me itko?! :D).. oh well, i dalje mi se sviđa a vama? :D
For this mani I chose a textured theme so I used caviar and sand effect nail polish. Even though, sand effect polish isn't the best choice for a combo with striping tape because they dry kinda gummy (does anyone understands me?! :D).. oh well, I still like it, do you? :D

Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!

2 komentara:

Hvala na svakom komentaru, jako mi puno znače! Slobodno pitajte jer uvijek odgovorim ;) / Thank you for each and every coment, they mean a lot to me! Feel free to ask me anything because I always answer ;)