ponedjeljak, 26. siječnja 2015.

31 day challenge: Day 20 - Watermarble!

Trenutno je 4 ujutro i nemogu spavat (nisam se ni trudila) pa sam odlučila iskoristiti ova dva sata prije škole za najbolji početak dana - novi post! Ostalo mi je još 11 dana i nadam se da će vam se svidjeti manikure jer su izazovi postaju sve teži.
A sada, manikura :)
Currently it's 4 am and I can't sleep (I wasn't even trying) so I've decided to use wisely these last 2 hours before I have to get up, and the best way to start a new day is with a new post of course! I have 11 more days and I hope you will like my manicures because the challenges are getting really hard
And now, the mani :)

Koristila sam / I used:

Rimmel Sky high
China Glaze White on white
Essie Eternal optimist
L'Oreal  Gold leaf top coat
Maybelline colorama 288
dotting tool
water at room temperature + a cup + toothpicks

Ok, pomalo varam jer sam imala watermarble na samo dva nokta ali hej, to je teško!! :D
Ovaj put sam isprobala malo drugačiju tehniku i moram priznati da sam puno zadovoljnija jer je puno lakša! Svi koraci su jednaki dok ne napravite uzorak u vodi. Umjesto da umočite nokat, ostavite uzorak u vodi 15-20 min i onda ga pažljivo (pomoću pincete) izvadite. Ostat će vam kao velika watermarble naljepnica, potpuno suha, i samo ju odrežite na veličinu vašeg nokta i zaljepite. Voila!
Ok, I'm kinda cheating because I only had watermarble on 2 of my nails but hey, that thing is hard!! :D
This time I tried a bit different technique and I have to say that I'm really liking it, it's much easier! All the steps are the same until you make a design in your cup. Instead of dipping your nails, leave the design in the water for about 15-20 min and then carefully remove it using tweezers. You will be left with a big, completely dry, watermarble nail sticker and the only thing you will have to do is to trim it to the size of your nails and stick it on. Voila!

Jeste li ikad ispobale watermarble? Ako jeste, kakav vam je ispao? Baš sam ljubomorna na one cure koje mogu napraviti candy cane ili cvijetni watermarble :D
Have you ever tried watermarble? If you did, how did it turn out? I'm so jealous on those girls who can make candy cane and flower watermarbles :D

Hvala na čitanju i ugodan dan svima! / Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

Broj komentara: 6:

Hvala na svakom komentaru, jako mi puno znače! Slobodno pitajte jer uvijek odgovorim ;) / Thank you for each and every coment, they mean a lot to me! Feel free to ask me anything because I always answer ;)