subota, 28. lipnja 2014.

Underwater ruffian!

Heyaaaaaa :D
Danas za vas imam ruffian manikuru ali malo drugačije slikanu. Neću vam puno otkriti zato idemo odmah na korištene lakiće ;)
Today I have a ruffian mani for you but I took these photos in a bit different way. I won't tell you a lot, so let's hop into used polishes ;)

Koristila sam / I used:
Catrice Run forest run
essence Choose me

Što kažete na ovu kombinejšn? :D / What do you think about this combination? :D

Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!

četvrtak, 26. lipnja 2014.

Pink + floral mani!

Pred vama je jedna slatka proljetno/ljetna manikura :)
Pred par tjedana, nalakiram si nokte u rozo i razmišljam si što sljedeće..s obzirom na to da imam puno i previše naljepnica sjetila sam se da bih mogla iskoristiti neke od njih. Manikura je bila rođena! Naravno, morala sam nešto i zeznuti pa sam prvotnu verziju manikure ''obrisala'' po mom pokazu za bus..i sad svaki put kad uđem u bus dobijem upitni pogled od šofera :D
Sad kad ste upućeni u cijelu (nebitnu) priču o ovoj manikuri, možete odskrolati i pogledati koje sam lakove koristila :)
In front of you is a cute Spring/Summery manicure :)
A couple of weeks ago I painted my nails pink and started thinking what to do next..considering I have a bunch of stickers in my collection, I thought I should use some of them. And a mani was born! Of course, I had to screw something up, so I wiped my first version of this mani on my bus pass..and now every time I get into the bus I get a weird look from the driver :D
Now when you know the entire (totally irrelevant) story about this mani, you can scroll down and check out which polishes I used :)

Koristila sam / I used:
essence Naughty and pink
essence Hello rosy
stickers from ok (magazine)

Prvo što primjećujete je kako su mi nokti sjajni! Kao i uvijek, koristila sam jedan sloj nadlaka ali rozi lak sam po sebi je prilično sjajan tako da ga toplo preporučam :)  Kao accent lak sam koristila jedan poseban sand effect lakić koji jako volim a to je Hello rosy. Naljepnice su začuđujuće dobre i lako se saviju. Nekoliko njih je puklo ali ajde... :D
First thing you'll notice is how shiny my nails are! As always, I used one coat of my top coat but the pink polish underneath is very shiny as well so I highly recommend it :)  As an accent polish, I used one special sand effect nail polish that I love so much and that is Hello rosy. Stickers are surprisingly good and they're easy to bend. A couple of them broke but ok... :D

Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!

subota, 21. lipnja 2014.

News + Minty skittle!

Hola ^^
U prošlom postu sam vam rekla da ću biti u Istri do ponedjeljka. E pa, više sile su se uplele i slomila sam 3 kosti u stopalu i sada sam doma sa longetom..  Dobra stvar je to što se mogu više družiti s laptopom što znači više postova :D  U svakom zlu neko dobro ;) Ugl. ajmo mi sad na manikuru!
In my last post I wrote I'm going to be in Istra 'till Monday. Well, higher spirits had something goin' on and I broke 3 bones in my foot so now I'm home.. Good thing is I can hang out more with my laptop which means more posts :D In every bad thing there is something good ;) Any way, let's talk about my mani!

Danas ću vam pokazati jednu veselu, ljetnu manikuru! Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti koliko i meni. Opet sam probala watermarble i ovaj put sam uspjela dobiti dva koliko-toliko dobra uzorka, hehe :)
Today I'll show you one happy, summery manicure! I hope you'll like it as much as I do. I tried watermarble again and this time I managed to get two decent patterns, hehe :)

Koristila sam / I used:
Essie Mint Candy Apple
China Glaze Too yacht to handle
Essie Cashmere bathrobe
China Glaze Liquid leather
dotting tool, black glitter & kitchen sponge

Otkako sam kupila ove glittere, neprestano ih koristim! Iako se ne uhvate uvijek na cijeli nokat (ispričavam se na ćelavim mjestima :D) izgledaju jako lijepo i super su za accent manikure. A kombinacija između dvije nijanse tirkizne je uvijek pun pogodak ;) Što vi mislite?
Since I bought these glitters, I've been using them all the time! Even though they don't stick to entire nail every time (I'm sorry for bold spots :D) they look really nice and they're great for accent manis. And the combo of two turquoise shades is always a good idea ;) What do you think?

Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!

srijeda, 18. lipnja 2014.

Hello, remember me?

Uff, znam da je ovo bila veća pauza i duboko se ispričavam. Dogodilo se nekoliko stvari koje su me izbacile iz takta i jednostavno blog je ostao zaboravljen. Najveći problem je bio u mobitelu i slikama. Već sam vam rekla kako mi se mobitel nije htio spojiti sa laptopom pa nisam mogla prebaciti slike...mislila sam da je stvar u mobitelu pa sam ga poslala na popravak. Dobila sam zamjenski (još bolji od mog pravog mobitela) no njemu se ekran pokvario isti dan i budilica nije prestajala zvoniti..izludila sam sa njim i sljedeći dan tražila novi zamjenski. Hvala bogu, on je u redu ali i dalje se ne želi spojiti na laptop...tako sam došla do zaključka da je stvar u laptopu. No probala sam spojiti mobitel i na kompjuter i koristila sam druge kablove i ništa mu nije pomoglo... Stvarno nemam blage veze u čemu je problem i to me je jako naživciralo. Na kraju sam dobila nazad mobitel i koristim ga samo za muziku, slike su opet sa prahistorijskog fotića..
Još je i u školi bilo jako naporno a većinu slobodnog vremena sam provodila u nadoknađivanju sna.
Uglavnom, nakon mjesec dana ničega, evo me opet za laptopom i pišem ovaj post već neko vrijeme. Zapravo, ovaj post će biti više kao moj razgovor sa vama jer ću vam reći što se događa i koji su mi planovi za dalje..
Trenutno pakiram kofere jer idem u Istru sa frendicom i tamo smo do ponedjeljka. Ipak, pripremila sam nekoliko postova tako da imate što čitati :D
Ovo ljeto će biti drugačije jer sam upoznala puno novih osoba i već smo isplanirali nekoliko putovanja i sleepovera! Sad kad kažem putovanja, mislim na ona iz jednog sela u drugo, van Hrvatske nikako :D
Razmišljala sam da napravim neki post u kojem ćete me bolje upoznati npr. 50 random stvari o meni ili tako nešto pa ako vam se sviđa ideja vičite u komentarima :D
Ok, mislim da sam vam sve rekla (zasad :)), čitamo se uskoro!!
<3, Shadow.

Uff, I know that this was a major pause and I'm really, terribly sorry. A couple of things happened and that bummed me out so it was easy to forget about blogging. The biggest problem was in my cell and pics. I already told you that my cell phone didn't wanted to connect with my laptop so all pics were stuck on it...I thought that cell was the problem so I sent him on reparation. I got a replacement (that was better than my real cell) but his screen died that very same day and the alarm couldn't stop ringing...I went bananas and asked for another replacement. Thank god, new cell is just fine but I still can't connect it to my I started thinking that the laptop is actually the problem. I tried other cables and I tried connecting it to my computer but nothing worked... I really have no idea what is the problem and it really pissed me off. In the end, I got my cell back and i use for music but my blog pics are all from my prehistorical camera..
Ofc, school was giving me a hard time as well and most of my free time I spent catching sleep.
Anyway, after a month of nothing, here I am in front of my laptop and I'm writing this for a while.
In fact, I want to make this post more of a conversation between me and you since I wanna tell you about my plans and other stuff..
Currently, I'm packing my suitcase 'cause I'm going to Istra with my friend and I'm staying there 'till Monday. But, I wrote a couple of posts in advance so you'll have something to read :D
This Summer will be different because I met many new people and we already planned trips and sleepovers! When I say trips, I mean from one village to another, definitely not outside Croatia :D
I've been thinking about writing a 50 random things about my post or something similar so if you like the idea say it in the comments :D
Ok, I think that I said everything I wanted (for now :)), see you soon!!
<3, Shadow.