Da ste mi pred godinu dana predložile da napišem ovaj post, nasmijala bih se i rekla ''ja nikad ne iskoristim stvari do kraja''. Možda zvuči razmaženo ali stvarno, koliko god se trudila uvijek kada bih bacila neku bočicu osjećala bih se krivom jer unutra ima sigurno još neka kapljica. Tako sam prošlu jesen shvatila da kupujem sve više stvari ali da ne iskoristim one koje imam doma do kraja nego se zatrpavam. Ja, kao najveći fan urednosti i organiziranja, morala sam to nekako riješiti pa sam si postavila jednostavno pravilo: svaki proizvod koji imam moram iskoristiti, čak i ako mi postane dosadan i poželim novi. Tek kada ispraznim bočicu nekog parfema, labella ili laka, mogu početi sanjariti o novome. Možete pogoditi kojoj od tih stvari sam najmanje mogla odoljeti :D Naravno, lakove sam nastavila kupovati ali u puno manjoj mjeri, šljokice ne kupujem osim ako nisu bog zna kako posebne jer i ove što imam jedva koristim. Zapravo, povlačim to! Ovo proljeće sam jako često nosila šljokice barem kao accent nokat. Ostale boje bih kupila jedino ako bi mi jako trebale za nail art ili su boja i finiš nešto extra. I uspjela sam! Smanjila sam broj lakova na 80-ak i stvarno, najstvarnije, sve ih koristim. Rješila sam i nekoliko parfema i labela. I taman kad sam htjela baciti ih u smeće sjetim se; pa mogla bi ih sačuvati za empties post!
Pa evo, nakon (pre)dugačkog uvoda pogledajte koje sam to proizvode iscrpila i jesu li mi se svidjeli! :D
If you asked me one year to write this post I would laugh and say ''I never use up anything''. It might sound spoiled but really, every time I would throw away a bottle or something, I would feel guilty because there was a drop or two of the product inside. Last Fall I realized that I'm buying more and more things but I wasn't using those that I already had. I was starting to hoard things. I, as a biggest cleaning and organizing fan, had to find a solution for that so I made a simple rule: every product I own I have to use up, even if it becomes boring to me and I start wishing for new. Then, when I empty a bottle of a perfume, labello or a nail polish, I can wish for a new one. You can guess which of those things was hardest for me to resist buying :D Of course, I kept buying polishes but not that much. I'm buying glitters only if they are really special and basic polishes only if I run out of some color and I need it for nail art. And I did it! I managed to get my nail polish collection down to 80-ish bottles and I really do use all of them. I also emptied a couple of perfumes and labellos. And just when I wanted to throw them in trash, I remembered; I could save them and write an empties post!
So, after this (too) long introduction check out what products I emptied and have I liked them! :D
Aveo deospray - maleni dezić koji mi je odličan za nosit u školu. Osim ovog sa orhidejom, probala sam i onaj koji ne pušta tragove na bijeloj i crnoj boji i super su! Fino mirišu, traju 3-4 sata (što je okej jer ionako se moram više puta nasprejati tokom dana), praktični su i jeftini. Kupujem ih u Mulleru za 4,50 kune na odjelu sa stvarima za putovanje, jer je ovo travel pack. Traje mi oko mjesec i pol, često kraće jer ga okolo posudim :D sve u svemu, opet ga kupujem jer se isplati!
- a small deodorant that is great for my school bag. Except this orchidee one, I tried the one that decreases trails on white and black color and they are great! They smell nice, they last for 3-4 hours (which is ok since I spray myself a couple of times during the day), they are practical and cheap. I buy them in Muller for 0,5 eu on traveling sections because they are in travel size. It lasts for a month and a half, usually less because I let my friends use it :D all in all, it's worth every penny and I'm buying it again!
Trendy for women - ovaj parfem je imitacija nekog Guccijevog parfema kupljen za pedeset kuna u Golden Roseu u Rijeci. Jako je fino mirisao ali se zadržavao na koži jako kratko. Na meni i inače parfemi ne traju dugo ali brate, ovaj bi ishlapio na moj prvi pomak rukom :D Stoga ga ne kupujem opet!
- this perfume is a Gucci imitation bought in Golden Rose store in Rijeka for 7 eu. It smelled really nice but it wasn't very long lasting. I mean, perfumes usually don't last that long on me but man, I waved with my hand once and the smell was gone :D So, I'm definitely not buying it again!
j'taime - parfem koji mi je poklonila najfrendica pred 4-5 godina. Moj najdraži parfem uz jedan essencov! Tako je predivno mirisao, nježno i posebno, baš kako ja volim. Nikad ga nisam vidjela u trgovinama i zato ako itko zna gdje ga mogu opet kupiti brzo u komentare i to mi otkrijte!! :D
- a perfume my bff gave to me 4-5 years ago. My fave perfume beside essence one! It smelled so beautiful, soft and special, just the way I like it. I never seen it in stores so if you know where I can find it go fast in the comment section and tell me!! :D
Essence like a walk in the Summer rain - još jedan favorit! Za 27 kuna dobijete 10 ml divotice od parfema. Da sad se tu ne sramotim sa opisivanjem našla sam na jednoj stranici odličan opis -
miris koji osvježava poput ljetnjeg pljuska. Čist je, vodenast i svjež – pun pozitivne energije. Gornje note: limun, naranča, ciklama, aldehidi i lubenica. Srce: morske note, đurđevak, frezija i cvjetno - ozonski akordi. Baza: mahovina, kedar i mošus. Ponovna kupnja je sigurna!
- another favorite! For 3,5 eu you get 10 ml of pure beauty. I don't want to embarrass myself with describing it so I found a great description on one page - fragrance that refreshes like a summer rain shower. Pure, aquatic and invigorating – it is full of positive energy. Top notes: lemon, orange, cyclamen, aldehyde and watermelon. Heart: marine notes, lily of the valley, freesia and floral -ozonic accords. Base: moss, cedar and musk. My repurchase is guaranteed!
Essence 2in1 volume mascara - moja prva maskara!! Potrošila sam ju do zadnje kapljice i zaista je bila dobra. Čini mi se da ju više nemaju u stalnoj postavi nego da je sad neka u crveno-crnom pakiranju.
- my first mascara!! I spent every drop of it and it really was good. I think that it isn't available anymore but you can get a similar one in red-black packing.
Balea lipbalms - jeftini i dobri, šta ti više treba! Jedan košta 8,90 kn i dolaze u raznim okusima. Meni je najdraži ovaj obični jer mi je odlično štitio usne preko zime od hladnoće i dugo bi trajao. Kupujem opet!
cheap and good, what more could you ask for! One costs 1 eu and they come in various tastes. I prefer the sensitive one because it really moisturized my lips during Winter and it would last long. I'm buying it again!
Essence Better than gel nails top coat - vjerojatno ste već čule koliko je odličan ovaj nadlak. I slažem se u svakom pogledu, jako brzo se suši, cijena je super (22kn) i nokti dugo traju i izgledaju savršeno! Ako ga do sada niste probale, nadam se da će vas ova mini recenzijica potaknuti jer mi je ovo sigurno peta bočica :D
- you probably already heard how amazing this TC is. And I couldn't agree more, it dries super fast, price is great (3eu) and manis last for a long time while looking perfect! If you haven't tried it until now I hope that this mini review will make you buy it 'cause this is probably my fifth bottle :D
Essence pro white nail hardener - kada sam kupila ovu bazu bila sam ugodno iznenađena jer stvarno čuva bjelinu noktiju i očvršćuje ih. Nažalost, jako brzo se zgusne i četkica je pre tanka za moj ukus pa ga ipak ne bih preporučila.
- when I first bought this base coat I was pleasantly surprised because it really does protect your nails and it makes them stronger. Unfortunately, it thickens really quick and the brush is too thin for my taste so I wouldn't recommend it after all.
Glade Winter candle Shimmering woods - ok, zamislite savršen zimski miris koji u vama budi najljepše uspomene! Jeste? E pa ova svijeća je još bolja, bez pretjerivanja :D Divan miris borovine pomalo zaslađen vanilijom mogao se namirisati cijele zime u mojoj sobi. Koliko sam ju obožavala dokazuje i to da je ovo prva svijeća koju sam do kraja potrošila! Naravno da ću je opet kupiti, vjerojatno u dm kada bude snižena krajem jeseni ;)
- ok, imagine a perfect Wintery scent that brings all beautiful memories in you! Did you? Well, this candle is even better, I kid you not :D Lovely pine smell is sweetened a bit with vanilla and you could smell it every day in my room during the Winter. How much I loved it proves the fact that this is the first candle I ever emptied out completely! Of course I'm buying it again, probs in dm when it goes on Fall/Winter sale ;)
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Pa, to bi bilo sve za danas! Ovo je bio poveći post i pišem ga već par dana pa se nadam da ćete uživati u njemu :) Hvala na čitanju!
Well, that would be all for today! This was a bigger post and I'v been writing it for a few days so I hope you'll enjoy it :) Thanks for reading!