subota, 7. veljače 2015.

31 day challenge: Day 22 - Inspired by a song!

Dok chillam i gledam serije odlučila sam s vama podijeliti sljedeći zadatak u challengeu a to je manikura inspirirana pjesmom. Odabrala sam pjesmu mog najdražeg benda Sweater Weather od The Neighbourhood-a :)
While I'm chilling and watching tv I've decided to share with you my next task in the challenge and that is manicure inspired by a song. I've chosen a song from my favorite band - Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood :)

Koristila sam / I used:
China Glaze White on white
China Glaze Liquid leather
Essie Cashmere bathrobe
Maybelline Colorama 288
Essence black stampy polish
Essence stamping plate
dotting tool, sponge, thin brush

Palac i srednji prst predstavljaju njihovo ime i simbol. Kažiprst je u uzorku sweatera a ostala dva nokta prestavljaju ljubav. Sve je crno-bijelo jer su svi spotovi crno-bijeli.
Nadam se da vam se sviđa manikura! :)
The thumb and middle finger represent their name and symbol. The pointer is in sweater pattern and other nails just represent love. Everything is black and white because all of their videos are in black and white.
I hope you like the mani! :)

Slušate li The Neighbourhood? Ako da, koja vam je najdraža pjesma? Ako ne, počnite! :D
Do you listen to The Neighbourhood? If yes, what is your favorite song? If no, you should start! :D

Žao mi je što danas nisam nešto pričljiva, jako sam umorna, ali obećavam da ću u sljedećem postu se raspričati :D
Hvala na čitanju!
I'm sorry that I'm not very talkative today, I'm really tired, but I promise that in my next post I will talk lot more :D
Thanks for reading!

Broj komentara: 8:

  1. Iskreno nikad čula za taj bend :D morat ću ga proguglat zbog ove manikure :D Prekrasna je <3

  2. Prekrasna manikura!
    ja isto obozavam the nbhd i jedne od njihovih najdrazih pjesama su mi sting, lurk,a little death, afraid i west coast :)

    1. hvala :*
      meni su najbolje let it go, alleyways i honest hehe :D

  3. wow, razvalila si s ovom manikurom, fantastična je <3

  4. super manikura. pa zelo so mi všeč tvoji nohti, tako dolgi pa lepi. joj :)


Hvala na svakom komentaru, jako mi puno znače! Slobodno pitajte jer uvijek odgovorim ;) / Thank you for each and every coment, they mean a lot to me! Feel free to ask me anything because I always answer ;)