Danas imam za vas jedan opširan, veliki post o 2 vrlo slatke stvarčice!
Ok, vrlo sam uzbuđena i stalno stavljam uskličnik pa mislim da bih trebala krenuti s recenzijom :)
Today I've prepared a big, huuuuuge review for you about two cute things!
Ok, I'm very excited and I'm constantly putting exclamations so I think I should start with review :)
KKCENTERHK website! *
Na recenziju sam dobila
zlatne zakovice i glitter srca (nemogu naći link na stranici :( ).
For review I got a gold studs and heart shaped glitter (I can't find the link anymore :( ).
Nakon početnog uzbuđenja i vrištanja, otpakirala sam paketić i ugledala ove dvije vrećice unutra i odmah sam znala kakve manikure ću napraviti! Naravno, odmah sam ih i napravila!! :)
After all the excitement and screaming, I unpacked it and saw these two bags inside and knew immediately which manis I'm going to do! Of course, I did them and here is the first one!! :)
Me and my studs!
Koristila sam / I used:
essence Me and my lover (Sparkle sand effect)
gold square studs
essence TC
Recenzija lakića ide neki drugi put, sad ću samo nešto reći o zakovicama!
Zakovice su me oduševile i jako mi je drago da vam ih mogu preporučiti!
Dolaze u plastičnoj vrečici sa zatvaračem i negdje ih je 40-tak.
Veličina je 4mm i odabrala sam ih jer nisu prevelike za nokte a mogu ih iskorititi i za odjeću.
Stavila sam kapljicu top coata i onda njih zaljepila. Začudila sam se kako su mi super prijanjale na većinu noktiju. Na kažiprstu mi je otpala za dva dana dok sam obuvala tenisicu a ostale su otpale nakon tri - četiri dana. Malo se ogulila zlatna boja sa njih ali su i dalje izgledale fantastično! Nisu mi čupale kosu niti zapinjale za robu. Sve u svemu, preporučujem ih!!
I'll post a polish review some other time, it's all about studs today!
I'm amazed with the studs and I'm so glad that I can recommend these to you!
They come in a plastic bag with zipper and there are around 40 of them.
The size is 4mm and I chose it because it's not too big for nails but I can also use it for clothes.
I've put a drop of TC on my nail and stuck them on. I love how they adhere perfectly on most of my nails. It fell off my pointer in 2 days while I was putting my sneakers on and the others went off in about 3 - 4 days.
On some of them the color peeled of a bit but they still looked amazing! They didn't rip my hair of or got stuck in clothes. All in one, I highly recommend these!!
Idemo sada na drugu manikuru! /
Onto the second mani!
Fall for you!
Koristila sam /
I used:
O.P.I Dulce de leche
essence stamp me white
striping brush
heart shaped glitter
Za ovu manikuru me inspirirala jesen tj. boje jeseni, zato sam odabrala srca baš u toj boji!
Pakiranje je čvrsto i srca ima jaaako puno u 10-tak boja.
Srca su se dobro pričvrstila ali su se rubovi brzo počeli odvajati i čupati. To me rastužilo jer nisam manikuru imala ni puni dan a već je uništena!
Mislim da ću srca koristiti samo na nekim širim noktima ili možda u nekom frankenu..
For this mani, I got inspired by Fall and its colors, that's why I chose these colors of glitter!
The packaging is great and there are realyy a looot of hearts in 10 colors.
Hearts glued well but soon, their edges started chipping and falling down which annoyed me because I've been barely wearing it for a day!
I think I'll use it on wider nails and maybe in some frankens.
Ovo bi bilo moje mišljenje o dobivenim proizvodima, hvala na čitanju i ne zaboravite pogledati njihovu stranicu i iskoristiti kupon!! :)
This was my opinion about recieved products, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out their page and coupons!! :)
unique coupon code : EGIPATSKAMAU
Coupon Amount : 10% Off
coupon code of End Date: 31st,Jan.,2014
PR uzorak - dobiveno na recenziju koja je objavljena iznoseći iskreno mišljenje i dojmove.
PR example - gotten for a review which brings out honest opinion and impressions.