nedjelja, 29. prosinca 2013.

What I got for Christmas!

Danas ću vam pokazati što se krilo u poklonima pod borom :)
Today I'll show you what I found under my Christmas tree :)

Ralph Lauren shirt! Love love love :)
I really needed new shirts and boy, you can't go wrong with red ;)

shirt detail

gifts from friends: nail polish (pink and naughty) and deodorant (smells ah-mazing!)
and CD with my favorite songs that is personalized with cats and Marky Butt Butt :D
Thanks darlings! <33

Jewels! Cat necklace from my brother and his wife and rose gold watch and chain bracelet from parents!
Love you guys!! <33

Sooooo pretty! Color is amazing *-*

To bi bilo to ljudi! Dobila sam i čokolade ali, haha, znate kako to ide ;)
That would be it, folks! I also got chocolate but, haha, you know how that goes ;)

Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!

četvrtak, 26. prosinca 2013.

Merry Christmas!

Sve najbolje svima i uživajte u Božiću i Novoj godini koja slijedi! :)
Danas za vas nemam manikuru nego sam željela popričati o nekim planovima za blog. Obožavam pisati blog, kao da se povjeravam nekoj prijateljici! Nadam se da je i vama jednako lijepo biti u ovom malom utočištu za moje misli :)
Zato bih željela napraviti nekoliko posebnih postova! U jednom od sljedećih dana moći ćete pročitati što sam dobila za Božić, favorite ove godine i room tour! Zapravo, room tour će malo kasnije stići na blog jer želim da soba izgleda savršeno a i voljela bih napraviti video.
Mislim da ću ovdje završiti post, valjalo bi ići spavati :D
All the best to everyone and enjoy Christmas and New Year that is coming! :)
Today I don't have a mani for you but I would like to talk about plans for blog. I love writing this blog, it's like talking to a friend! I just hope that you are having a good time too in this little home for my thoughts :)
That's why I would love to make a couple of special posts! So in these few days you'll find out what I got for Christmas, this years favorites and my room tour! I'm not so sure when I'll post the room tour but I want it to be perfect and it would be great to make a video too.
I think that I will end this post here, I should go to sleep :D

Još jednom, hvala što ste uz mene i sve najbolje za blagdane! <3
Once again, thank you for being here with me and happy holidays! <3

utorak, 24. prosinca 2013.

HoHoHolidays ~ Rudolph, the red nosed reindeer!

Danas ću vam pokazati manikuru koja će definitivno biti na popisu mojih najdražih manikura!! Vidjet ćete zašto ;)
Today I'll show you a mani that is going to be on my favorite manis list for sure!! You'll see why ;)

Koristila sam / I used:
Essie Twin sweater set
New age
essence Tribal Summer set (black liner)
China Glaze Ruby Pumps
essence Lily bloom
thin brush + dotting tool

Onaj crveni ljepotan je novi Essie ulov! Preporučam da odjurite do obližnjeg dm-a i upecate snižene lakove iz jesenske kolekcije ;) Kupila sam još jednog, neznam kada ću vam ga pokazati ali je predivan!
This red beauty is new Essie catch! You should ran to your nearest dm and buy polishes from their Fall LE because their on sale ;) I bought another one, but I'm not sure when I'll show it to you, he's a beauty too!

Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!

nedjelja, 22. prosinca 2013.

HoHoHolidays ~ Wishlist!

Danas ću vam pokazati što sam poželjela za Božić i rođendan (koji je vrlo uskoro :)).
Today I'll show you what I want for Christmas and birthday (which is very soon :)).

                                Christmas / Birthday wishlist

1. Slušalice za laptop - stvarno ih jako želih jer bih mogla gledati youtube videe i slušati muziku bez da gnjavim ljude oko sebe. A, i vrlo su lijepe ;)
    Laptop speakers - I really want them because I could watch youtube videos and listen to music without annoying people around me. Also, they're really pretty ;)

2.  Maybelline Rocket volume mascara - ovo je jednostavno: treba mi nova maskara a ova ima najbolje kritike.                                                 - this is simple: I need a new mascara and this one has best reviews.

3. UD Naked 3 palette - a dobro, pa kako ju ne poželjeti?! Najlijepše, prirodne nijanse savršene za svaku prigodu!! Čim osvojim na lutriji kupujem doživotnu zalihu! :D
                                    - oh, come on, who doesn't want it?! The most gorgeous, natural shades perfect for any event!! As soon as I win lottery, I'm buying it for life! :D

4. Mekana dekica - totalno random, stvarno žeim jednu lijepu, ugodnu koja će mi biti na krevetu.
    Soft blanket - totally random, I really want one pretty and soft that will be on my bed.

5. Uggs - voljela bi ih u svakom postojećem izdanju ali jedan bež par će me zasad zadovoljiti :)
               I'd love to have all of them ever made but one beige pair will make me happy for now :)

6. Tangle teezer - ovo je već dugo na listi i čim napravim račun na e-bayu, kupujem ga! Svima treba odlična četka pogotovo ako je šteta na kosi minimalna!
                         - this has been on my WL forever and as soon as I get e-bay, I'll buy it! Everybody needs a great brush especially if the damage is minimal!

Što je na vašoj wishlisti? / What's on your wishlist?

Hvala na čitanju!  / Thanks for reading!

subota, 21. prosinca 2013.

HoHoHolidays - Mistletoe!

Nova manikura je pred nama i s obzirom da sam jako umorna neću puno pričati..
A new mani is here and I'm really tired so I'll keep this simple and short...

Koristila sam / I used:
essence Lily bloom
Catrice Sand Francisco
Catrice Run forest, run
Catrice Genius in the bottle
Golden Rose 120
essence Fateful desire
kitchen sponge, brushes and dotting tool

Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!

petak, 20. prosinca 2013.

HoHoHolidays ~ Gift ideas!

U ovom postu ću vam dati brdo ideja za poklone, mislim da nema osobe koju ne bi usrećio barem jedan od ovih paketića! Većina poklona nije skupa, ove malo skuplje sam izdvojila za kraj pretpostavljajući da nas nema puno spremnih za velike izdatke i da ćemo samo na posebnu osobu potrošiti veću svotu novaca.
In this post I will give you a bunch of gift ideas and I think there isn't a person who wouldn't like at least one of these presents! Most of them aren't expensive and the ones a bit more expensive are mentioned last. I assume there aren't many of us ready for spending lot of money, maybe just for a special person.

Ideje su razvrstane u setove i krenut ćemo od onih najjednostavnijih, koje sigurno možemo primjeniti u našem društvu!
Ideas are sorted in sets and I will start with the most simple ones that everybody can use!

                             Gift idea - cooking lover!
Ova ideja je jednostavna; za sve koji vole provoditi vrijeme u kuhinji, ove posebne šalice, posuda za kekse, modeli za kolačiće i daska za rezanje učinit će jelo totalno božićnim.
This idea is very simple; for all of you who like cooking, these cookie jar, festive cups and cookie models and cutting board are going to make every dish totally Christmas-y.
                             Gift idea - book worm!
Ovaj set mi je najdraži od svih jer je potpuno po mom guštu. Zamislite samo divnu večer provedenu uz knjigu, finu svijeću, topli čaj i tihu muziku *-*
This is my fav set because it is straight in my alley. Imagine a beautiful evening spent reading a great book, drinking warm tee, with silent music and candles in the background *-*
   Gift idea - nail polish lovers!
Okej, ovdje nemam puno za nadodati! Jednostavno pitate osobu nešto o njenom hobiju i lako ćete shvatiti koje lakove voli. Recimo sa crvenom, nude i sivom kod mene nikad nemožete pogriješiti ;) Valja imati na umu i da su bijeli i crni lak uvijek dobrodošli jer se najviše koriste. Naravno, i ulje za kutikulu je dobrodošlo!
OK, I don't have to talk a lot 'bout this one! You simply ask the person something about their hoby and you'll easily understand what are her polish faves. In my case you can't go wrong with red, nude and grey ;) You have to remember that basic colors like black and white are always welcome and so is cuticle oil!

   Gift idea - phone lover
Sigurna sam da poznate barem jednu osobu kojoj je mobitel sve na svijetu... zašto joj ne bi uljepšali mobitel sa divnom maskicom i slušalicama pa čak i posebnim rukavicama za touch screen? Mogućnosti su beskonačne :)
I'm sure that you know at least one person that loves her cell phone.. so why wouldn't you glam someones phone with a beautiful mask and speakers and you can also add the smart gloves? Possibilities are endless :) Gift idea - girly girl!
Ovaj set predlažem tipičnim curkama koje se vole srediti, biti slatke...lijep komad nakita i neka paletica ili shower gel su super pokloni a uvijek možete dodati nešto fora poput candy cane sjajila ;)
This set is for typical girls that like to do make up and stuff...a nice piece of jewerly and a palette or a shower gel are great gifts and you can always add something cool like candy cane lip stain ;)
                                   Gift idea - just moved!
I na kraju, dekor za dom je stil poklona za novo useljene i one koji si žele učiniti život udobnijim poput deke i svijeće! Super ideja je i personalizirani okvir za sliku, više o tome u drugom postu ;)
And last thing, home decor is a kind of gift for newly moved ones and those who want to make their life cozy..staple pieces are blanket and candles! A great idea is a personalized picture frame, but that's another post ;)

Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!

srijeda, 18. prosinca 2013.

HoHoHolidays ~ Textured & festive!

Druga Božićna manikura je pred nama i dva divna laka igraju glavnu ulogu u njoj!
The second Christmas mani is in front of us and two beautiful nail polish are taking the main role in it!

Koristila sam / I used:
Misslyn velvet diamond 70
essence me and my lover (liquid sand)

Ispričavam se na okrhnutom noktu, uspjela sam ga slomiti taman prije slikanja...
Predivna kombinacija i mislim da s lakovi sa ovakvim finišem odlični za blagdane! ;)
Apologies for a chipped nail, it broke two minutes before I took pictures...
This is a gorgeous combination and I think that liquid sand nail polishes are perfect for holidays! ;)

Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!

utorak, 17. prosinca 2013.

HoHoHolidays ~ Outfit ideas!

Pripremila sam nekoliko outfita; neki su za večeru sa obitelji, neke za casual dan a neke za slatku šetnju gradom. Nadam se da ćete uživati!
I've prepared a couple of outfits; some of them are for family dinner, casual day or a walk around the town. I hope you'll enjoy it!

Prva dva outfita su totalno girly i kombinacijom sweatera i skater suknje nikad nećeš pogriješit!
Odabrala sam slatku mašnicu za kosu i udobne štiklice za 1. outfit dok je drugi malo više opušten zbog beania. Treći outfit mi je najdraži zbog divnih boja i tu sam sparila sweater, uske hlače i uggsice sa slatkom torbicom i ''Jingle bells'' ogrlicom. Zadnji outfit je više za chillanje po kući u ovom divnom sweateru koji se može naručiti samo online :(
First two outfits are totally girly and combining sweater and skater skirt you can never go wrong!
I choose this cute bow and comfy heels in forst outfit and the second one is a bit more casual because of the beanie. The third outfit is my fav because of the lovely colors and combining sweater and Uggs with a cute bag and 'Jingle bells' necklace. The last one is a bit more comfy and I love this sweater which you can only oreder online :(
                                 4 Holiday outfits!

Ovi outfiti su primjereniji večeri ili tematskoj zabavi i osmislila sam romantični, malo opušteniji i predivni, zlatni look.
U prvoj kombinaciji spoj velvet haljine i ovog šešira je divan. Drugi je više u stilu 'seksi školske uniforme' a ova ogrlica na soba je urnebesna! U zadnjoj komb. imamo kombinaciju zlatne i petrolej boje i to su začinile ove preeedivne štikle *__*. Naravno, Naked 3 paleta se negdje morala pokazati, tek tako... ;)
These outfits are better for dinner or a themed event because and I did a romantic look, a bit cooler one and my fav, golden one for special occasions.
In first one I love the velvet dress and hat combo. Second one is like 'schoolgirl got a bit sexy' and the deer necklace is just hilarious! In third we have golden-petroleum color combo and these shoes are just *__*. Of course Naked 3 palette had to be included just because... ;)
Zadnji look je prilično jasan sam po sebi i samo ću nadodati da obožavam mint i sivu! :) (ako se se pitali, ovo je majica iz Igara Gladi ;)
Well, the last one is pretty self explanatory and I'm just gonna say I love mint and grey! :) (if you are wondering, this is a Hunger games sweater ;).

                                       Winter comfort!

Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!

četvrtak, 12. prosinca 2013.

HoHoHolidays ~ Get into holiday spirit with Shadow!

Danas vam donosim jedan uzbudljiv post!!
Odlučila sam napraviti novu seriju postova HoHoHolidays u kojima ću vam pokazati divne ideje za poklone, kako sam ukrasila svoju sobu, nekoliko DIY projekata i pokoji recept, prigodnu playlistu te nekoliko outfita!
Naravno, biti će i manikura možda čak i make up tutorijala! ;)
U velikom broju postova će mi poslužiti Polyvore pa ako već niste, spojite se na Polyvore i krenite stvarati svoje kolaže iz snova :)
Danas ću vam pokazati što sam već napravila na Polyvoru a po temi spada u ovu seriju postova.
Today I'm here with an exciting post!!
I've decided to start a new post series named HoHoHolidays and in them I'll show you great ideas for gifts, how I decorated my room, a couple of DIY's and maybe even a recipe, festive playlist and a few outfits!
Of course there will be manicures and maybe a make up tutorial! ;)
In many posts I will be using Polyvore, so if you haven't already, make an account over there and start making your dream collages :)
Today I'll show you creations I already made and they are holiday appropriate.

X-mas is coming!


New Year!

Nadam se da vam se sviđa ideja i da ste uzbuđeni koliko sam i ja!! :D
Na Polyvoru me možete pronaći ovdje!
I hope you like the idea and that you're excited as much as I am!! :D
You can find me on Polyvore over here!

Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!

subota, 7. prosinca 2013.

Goodbye Fall, hello Winter mani!

Danas vam donosim 'prijelaznu manikuru'. S njom završavam jesenske manikure te započinjem zimske. Mislim da je dizajn sweatera savršen za ovu prigodu! :)
Today I'm showing you the last Fall mani and the first Winter-y one. I think that the sweater design is great for this occasion! :)

Koristila sam / I used:
s.he 325
essence Nude it
essence stamping plate & black stampy polish
L'oreal Confettis

Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!

ponedjeljak, 2. prosinca 2013.

Fall gradient + Catching fire!

Moram vam pokazati još nekoliko jesenjih manikura, a onda se bacam punim mahom na Božićne :)
I have to show you a few more Fall manis, and then I'm all about Christmas ones :)

Jako mi je žao zbog loših slika, željela sam vam pokazat ovu manikuru u punom sjaju, no vrijeme je bilo preloše a onda i slike loše izgledaju...:/
I'm sorry for crappy pics, I really wanted to show you this mani in its full glory but the weahter was terrible and the indoor pics always look worse...:/

Koristila sam / I used:
Catrice Genius in the bottle
essence Night in Vegas
a kitchen sponge

Kao što vidite, promijenila sam i oblik noktiju pa je gradient još bolje izgledao. Tople preporuke za isprobavanje duochrome laka i preko njega duochrome glittera ;)
As you can tell, I re-shaped my nails so the gradient looked even better. And you should try layering duochrome glitter over duochrome polish, it's awesome ;)

Drugu manikuru sam nosila na premijeru najdražeg mi filma - Igre Gladi: Plamen!
The second mani I wore to the premiere of my fav movie ever - The Hunger games: Catching fire!

Koristila sam / I used:
essence Me and my lover
O.P.I. - Dulce de leche
Golden Rose nail liner 120
essence Hello holo

Dakle, napravila sam vatru i brojeve 12 i 13 koji simboliziraju njihove okruge. Šljokice predstavljaju njene divne haljine koje je kreirao Cinna.
So, I drew fire and numbers 12 and 13 which symbolize their districts. The glitter represents her gorgeous dresses that Cinna designed.

Nadam se da vam se sviđaju manikure i da ćete mi oprostiti loše slike :)
I hope that you like the manis and that you'll forgive me those bad pics :)

Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!