četvrtak, 12. prosinca 2013.

HoHoHolidays ~ Get into holiday spirit with Shadow!

Danas vam donosim jedan uzbudljiv post!!
Odlučila sam napraviti novu seriju postova HoHoHolidays u kojima ću vam pokazati divne ideje za poklone, kako sam ukrasila svoju sobu, nekoliko DIY projekata i pokoji recept, prigodnu playlistu te nekoliko outfita!
Naravno, biti će i manikura možda čak i make up tutorijala! ;)
U velikom broju postova će mi poslužiti Polyvore pa ako već niste, spojite se na Polyvore i krenite stvarati svoje kolaže iz snova :)
Danas ću vam pokazati što sam već napravila na Polyvoru a po temi spada u ovu seriju postova.
Today I'm here with an exciting post!!
I've decided to start a new post series named HoHoHolidays and in them I'll show you great ideas for gifts, how I decorated my room, a couple of DIY's and maybe even a recipe, festive playlist and a few outfits!
Of course there will be manicures and maybe a make up tutorial! ;)
In many posts I will be using Polyvore, so if you haven't already, make an account over there and start making your dream collages :)
Today I'll show you creations I already made and they are holiday appropriate.

X-mas is coming!


New Year!

Nadam se da vam se sviđa ideja i da ste uzbuđeni koliko sam i ja!! :D
Na Polyvoru me možete pronaći ovdje!
I hope you like the idea and that you're excited as much as I am!! :D
You can find me on Polyvore over here!

Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!

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Hvala na svakom komentaru, jako mi puno znače! Slobodno pitajte jer uvijek odgovorim ;) / Thank you for each and every coment, they mean a lot to me! Feel free to ask me anything because I always answer ;)