ponedjeljak, 1. travnja 2013.

Spring mani: Blue flowers!

Pokazat ću vam jednu slatku manikuru sa jednim od meni najdražih lakova; iz Seasons of Extremes kolekcije.
Mislim da je to najbolja kolekcija do sad, što se essenca tiče!
I'm gonna show you one cute mani with one of my favorite polish; from Seasons of Extremes collection.
I think it's the best collection until now, from essence!

Koristila sam / I used:
essence 24/7 base coat
essence It's two bright
nail stickers from OK!
essence BTGN high gloss top coat

Plavac je san snova; maže se u 2 tanka sloja, jelly je teksture i savršene plave boje.
Naljepnice su zeznute; ne prijanjaju uz nokat a ako ih savinem, puknu.
The blue polish is a dream come true; 2 coats are needed, it is jelly textured and colour is just perfect.
Stickers are tricky; they don't adhere completely and if I bend them, they crack.

See you tomorrow,
Shadow <3.

3 komentara:

  1. baš sam htjela komentirat kako je nail art fantastičan... a onda skužila da su to naljepnice ;)
    ali krasna manikura :D


Hvala na svakom komentaru, jako mi puno znače! Slobodno pitajte jer uvijek odgovorim ;) / Thank you for each and every coment, they mean a lot to me! Feel free to ask me anything because I always answer ;)