Kao što znate, Google Reader se gasi, da li s njim odlazi i GFC, teorije su razne....
Da me i dalje možete čitati preporučam da me pratite preko Bloglovina - klik!
As you know, Google Reader is saying goodbye to us, I'm not sure of that also means that you won't be able to follow me through GFC.
You can follow me on Bloglovin if click here!
Još me možete pratiti na / Also, follow me on : Twitter,Weheartit,Tumblr and Facebook.
Nadam se da neću izgubiti niti jednog čitatelja/icu te da ću upoznati još više dragih ljudi s kojima dijelim interese!
I hope I won't lose any reader(s) because of these changes, I hope I'll meet more nice people that I'm sharing my interests with!
Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!
Kao što znate, Google Reader se gasi, da li s njim odlazi i GFC, teorije su razne....
Da me i dalje možete čitati preporučam da me pratite preko Bloglovina - klik!
As you know, Google Reader is saying goodbye to us, I'm not sure of that also means that you won't be able to follow me through GFC.
You can follow me on Bloglovin if click here!
Još me možete pratiti na / Also, follow me on : Twitter,Weheartit,Tumblr and Facebook.
Nadam se da neću izgubiti niti jednog čitatelja/icu te da ću upoznati još više dragih ljudi s kojima dijelim interese!
I hope I won't lose any reader(s) because of these changes, I hope I'll meet more nice people that I'm sharing my interests with!
Hvala na čitanju! / Thanks for reading!