četvrtak, 28. ožujka 2013.

Easter / Spring mani: Birds ans Butterflies, sittin' in a tree...

Hej ljudi!
Spremni za malo štambiljanja? :D
Hi guys!
Ready for some stamping? :D

Koristila sam / I used:
S-he 437 (old bottle)
essence stampy black polish
3 essence stamping plates

Ovo su dva sloja S-he 437. Moram priznati da sam zadivljena činjenicom da je star više od 3 godine a još uvijek je kvalitetan, za razliku od sadašnjih S-he lakova!
Nisam baš zadivljena njegovom brzinom sušenja. Čekala sam 4 sata da se osuši i nakraju otišla spavat :D
This are 2 coats of S-he 437. I have to admit I'm amazed with fact that this polish is 3 (or even more) years old, but still just as good as new, unlike new S-he polishes.
The thing I'm not so amazed is his slow drying. I waited for 4 hours to dry and eventually, I went sleeping :D

Manikura je prilično dobro ispala, s obzirom na poteškoće koje sam imala.
Dvije ptice na srednjem prstu jedva sam uspjela otisnuti. Napravljene su s previše detalja i pretankim crtama. Jedva sam jednu uspjela otisnuti da liči na nešto, a kamoli dvije! :D
Mani looks pretty well, considering all the difficulties I had to deal with.
The 2 birds on middle finger were very difficult to stamp. They are made with too many details and they're too thin. I barely could stamp one of them! :D

Vidimo se sutra! / See you tomorrow!
Shadow <3.

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