Sretan Uskrs svima! Nadam se da ste se najele janjetine i šunkice a i čokoladnih zečeva :D
Happy Easter everyone! I hope you ate a lot of lamb, ham and chocolate bunnies :D
Evo manikure koju danas nosim! Da bude zabavnije, pokazat ću vam desnu ruku, onu koju rjeđe viđate :)
Here's the mani I'm wearing today! To make things more entertaining, I'll show you my right hand, the one you don't see that often.
Koristila sam / I used:
S-he 115
Rimmel Sky High
green franken (essence lime up + Catrice Run forest, run)
essence Wanna be your sunshine
essence On the bright side
essence Fame fatal
essence Ultimate pink
essence BTGN High gloss top coat
striping tape
essence dotting tool
Finally, pictures!
Inspirirala sam se manikurom od Miss Adelinne po imenu Colorful dots and stripes.
I was inspired with Miss Adelinne's mani named Colorful dots and stripes.
Uživajte u ostatku dana!
Enjoy the rest of the day!
Shadow <3.
Happy Easter everyone! I hope you ate a lot of lamb, ham and chocolate bunnies :D
Evo manikure koju danas nosim! Da bude zabavnije, pokazat ću vam desnu ruku, onu koju rjeđe viđate :)
Here's the mani I'm wearing today! To make things more entertaining, I'll show you my right hand, the one you don't see that often.
Koristila sam / I used:
S-he 115
Rimmel Sky High
green franken (essence lime up + Catrice Run forest, run)
essence Wanna be your sunshine
essence On the bright side
essence Fame fatal
essence Ultimate pink
essence BTGN High gloss top coat
striping tape
essence dotting tool
Finally, pictures!
Inspirirala sam se manikurom od Miss Adelinne po imenu Colorful dots and stripes.
I was inspired with Miss Adelinne's mani named Colorful dots and stripes.
Uživajte u ostatku dana!
Enjoy the rest of the day!
Shadow <3.
preslatka manikura :D